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Upcoming Event: March 17th - Make a big deal out of the Green Deal!
Join us on Wednesday, March 17th for a unique event to hear the insights from key players of Europe-Israel Energy collaboration projects....
iKare Success Story: Israeli HomeBiogas and French ENGIE turn organic waste into gold.
iKare Innovation is happy to share the news of Homebiogas, an Israel-based biogas company that converts organic materials into renewable...
Accords d’Abraham : décryptage par Anne Baer dans la revue Entreprendre à l'international
Anne Baer, présidente du Comité Israël des Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur de la France (CCE) et CEO iKare Innovation, décrypte dans la...
Israël : entre tracking et vaccination, l’outsider du Covid
Avec 17% de la population vaccinée au 6 janvier 2021, Israël caracole en tête de la campagne contre le coronavirus. Entamée le 20...
"Israël : la démocratie 2.0 à l’épreuve du Tracking Covid" in La Recherche/Sciences et Avenir
Cliquez ici pour lire l'article complet. Alors qu’Israël entame sa première campagne de vaccination, c’est le moment d’un premier bilan....
Can Deep Tech be sustainable ? Anne leads a Panel, gathering 3 experts from over the world
There is no free IT lunch. Virtual is real. We have moved from a world of Papyrus to Quantum Computing increasing IT related energy...
“My sustainable techs and tips”. Anne Baer chats with Galit Ariel
At Printemps Numérique/MTL Connecte, Anne Baer talks about her vision for sustainability as a way of working and living. Somewhere in the...
Video: Women in Tech – Global Panel - CEO vision, leading through crisis
Click here for the Replay of Women in Tech panel “CEO vision, leading through crisis”. Anne Baer, participated on the 28th of May on a...
iKare Innovation CEO co-founder of Women in Tech Israel, to be launched on May 28
The Times of Israel, Shoshanna Solomon, 18 may 2020, “Global network to boost women in tech sets up Israel chapter” WomenTech Network’s...
iKare will represent Israel at the Women In Tech world Summit.
This is a call for all tech women and women's champions, future, present and past, to participate to the Launch of Women in Tech Israel...
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