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Our Recent Posts
Paris Motor Show 2024: Israeli Automotive Delegation led by iKare Innovation and EcoMotion
The EcoMotion-iKare innovation Israeli startup delegation made a remarkable showing at the Paris Motor Show-Mondial de l'Auto this month...
New Investment: Engie New Ventures invests in Israeli startup Carbon Blue
We are excited to share the news of ENGIE New Ventures ’ latest investment in Israel as a strategic partner in CarbonBlue ’s $10 Million...
Décryptage : Première attaque iranienne directe sur Israël. Par Anne Baer.
Extrait d'une vidéo du 14 avril 2024 montrant des interceptions de missiles balistiques tirés par l'Iran sur Israël, au dessus de la...
Saudi Arabia is closer than ever: Interviewed by Jerusalem Post and Relevant TV, Anne Baer paints a picture of this new Middle East at our finger tips.
Back from Saudi Arabia, Anne Baer discusses her insights from week-long trip in Riyadh with Emmanuelle Elbaz Phelbs interview on Relevant...
What happened to Electric Mobility in 2023 in Israel and the rest of the world, and what to look for in 2024.
It’s no secret that transportation is one of the big culprits of CO2 emissions. In fact, the sector accounted for about 20% of global...
iKare Success Stories: Zutacore and Valeo sign 4-year contract for innovative data center cooling.
We would not want you to miss these news. At iKare Innovation, we are proud to have ignited positive change. What happened? With the...
Proche et Moyen-Orient, le point de bascule. Analyse par Anne Baer.
A la différence d’autres grandes régions du monde plus homogènes, la région PMO-Sud Méditerranée reflète des réalités économiques et...
Comment l’économie Israélienne réagit-elle à la guerre?
Ni l’indice boursier TASE ni le Shekel ne se sont effondrés. Depuis le 26 octobre, TASE a même inversé la tendance. Le shekel est stable...
The World Needs Israeli Climate Tech Alive
How did the Climatech Israeli system react to October 7? What was cancelled, postponed or adapted to the new situation? Climate is still...
Is the Israeli miracle sustainable ? Anne Baer's article in Politique Internationale, Summer 2023
Israel has been growing and thriving for the last 75 years, against all odds and despite every established rule. But is the recipe...
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