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For iKare, the future depends on tech but also on people

Young graduates from HEIP and current students

Training a young generation of economic diplomats and foreign trade entrepreneurs is one of our missions.

And what better place to do it then HEIP, the School of International and Political Studies, that was founded in Paris 124 years ago, as a pioneering school in the field of international relations and political science. Established by a committed female journalist Jeanne Weill, after the Dreyfus affair, it has, over the years, welcomed amongst its regular teachers personalities like Anatole France, Charles Péguy, Émile Durkheim and Maurice Schumann.

Anne Baer, our CEO, has been a lecturer in the international Master of business diplomacy for last two years.

And the recent graduation of her international students was an opportunity to reflect on all that was learnt and everything yet to accomplish! We are already looking forward to the next academic year, with another class of bright minds, policy makers and entrepreneurs in the making!


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