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Sharing iKare Innovation's activity with French documentary Director Gilles Penso 🇫🇷 (Video in

Last May, the French director Gilles Penso was looking for shooting sites for a series of short films highlighting the most innovative Smart Cities and Smart Mobility solutions in the world.

iKare Innovation guided him around in Israel to meet with the best entrepreneurs and showed him how all the global Automotive players were actively hunting and stimulating the vibrant Israeli ecosystem disrupting the car industry with electrification, connectivity, and autonomy. « One needs to imagine a small territory of approximately 9M inhabitants who must eat, move, grow, trade and innovate. All the players, both the car manufacturers and their Tier-1 suppliers, gather here in Israel to drive innovation, by their presence and investments, stimulate innovations in the electric powertrain, but also autonomous cars. » Anne BAER

A bunch of disruptive made in Israel innovations have been highlighted in those two great short (9' +6') movies below.

Mike Goldstein presenting Raycatch - increasing the efficiency of solar plants with AI Diagnostics, Asaf Formoza presenting his incredible City Transformer world's first folding car, Rami Reshef presenting GenCell Energy's futuristic and sustainable fuel cell energy solutions, and finally ElectReon's Oren Ezer revolutionary concept which makes the "charging while driving" dream come true for electric vehicles.

Credit: The series is produced by Enedis (ex ERDF), the French electricity networks supplier.

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